Thread: Fortis thugs
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Old 11-24-2020, 07:39 AM
Ruffnuts Ruffnuts is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 22
Default Fortis thugs

Anyone with a power line and a tree in your yard beware. They apparently can enter your yard whenever they please. Both me and the wife have been isolating because my health won't win a battle with covid Since March we have been house bound only leaving for groceries at Walmart which they load we bring them home and process. Them we have one stop to pick up my medications to control my problems. So today I hear heavy banging at the front door like maybe a emergency or police trying to get your attention scared the hell out the wife. Look o the camera here is a guy in my backyard he forced the gate open to get in. No mask no gloves no protection dogs were in the house wife let's the dogs guess the first place they go sniffing. It was fortis arborist sub contractor this is bull**** now we wait to see if we get sick. Cops can't charged them cause fortis is exempt. Talked to someone at fortis Brady irrongant big boss so is you see a fortis truck or there tree division watch out. Call3d global they may look into it. So your private yard is yours and fortis. This is my opinion but facts are there. There big boss response was what if a fire started because of the tre. 2 months ago the transformer blew up up the pole and was burning to fire department spray water and blew that shir all o order the neighbors garden. They reattached a new transformer to a ratting old pole that just got heated up. This is my opinion. Asked them what they would do to clean up his path at door and backyard. There going to send a guy out with a bottle of spray nine. My opinion this bs. There is a pandemic morons this is my only safeplace thanks for reading old guy with concerns
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