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Old 04-30-2016, 01:22 PM
Klondike Klondike is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 714

Originally Posted by ecsuplander View Post
One main difference between fishing pressure and OHV damage is that as a fisherman I pay a fee to fish, which can be used to improve and mitigate some of the harm my recreation may inflict on a waterbody. I will pay a licensing fee and those monies will be used to support the Alberta fishery. However, OHV users do nothing to repair/mitigate the damage they may do to streams. They are not required to purchase a fishing license to tear up a stream bed and damage fish habitat. Therefore, they do not contribute any funds to support the repair of that damage. At least as a fisherman I am invested in the health of the areas I fish and will try to protect and/or improve those areas( stream improvement projects Trout U). I doubt OHV users are as interested in those issues as fisherman are. Just another thought.
ATV owners pay a vehicle registrations fee for each atv no different then any other vehicle registration, which happen to be much more then your fishing license.

Here is a report from the Alberta Government for the Bighorn Backcountry Access Management Plan regarding trail monitoring/ maintenance/ repair

There are several clubs out there working on trail maintenance
at the end of the day Al Gore will go down in history as the biggest snake oil salesman to have walked the earth

Who are you going to blame when all the ohv's are gone and the fish are still dieing

Last edited by Klondike; 04-30-2016 at 01:51 PM.
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