Thread: Tiger's apology
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:20 PM
Almer Fudd Almer Fudd is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Southern Alberta
Posts: 764

Tiger's problem is that he created this false BRAND IMAGE.
Family man, good looking talented minority, world's best golfer.
The sponsors and other stakeholders "bought" that brand image.
When you create a brand image EVERYTHING you do must support that brand image.
Walmart doesn't claim to have the best quality, they claim "Everyday low prices" (different than THE lowest price).
Tim Horton's Brand Image is good fresh coffee.

Tiger (or Cheetah) wasn't living a life that supportrd his Brand Image.
He misrepresented himself with those photo ops of him and the family, complete with dog. He did that to garner greater support from sponsors and other stakeholders. He was living a lie.
If he had represented himself honestly as a good golfer and great playboy (which appears true) nobody would be crapping on him today.

"If a man cheats on his family he'll cheat anywhere on anything".

Tiger's challenge now is to create a new brand image of himself that is honest and get back to what originally made him famous..playing golf..
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