Thread: Devastated
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Old 11-12-2020, 08:00 PM
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Skoaltender Skoaltender is offline
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Default Devastated

Words cannot express the sickening feeling I am feeling after today’s adventure.

The story (excuse my writing skills)

Since the beginning of summer I scouted a particular property, trail cameras, hiking evening sits, in order to increase my odds come Nov 1. Had a target buck which I posted in the trail cam pictures thread and set my mind that he’s the one.

Nov 1-11th, I sat full days in multiple locations, not much for deer activity to be seen.

Today rolls around and I got in 45 mins before legal, had a game plan set and stuck to it. No animals seen until 2:45-3pm when my target buck walks through the bush across from me approx 150yrds. I ready my gun, and watch the buck for 30 minutes but he was tucked behind some branches so I wait. Buck walks into a clearing, I freeze him perfectly broadside and BOOM.. I shoot, buck drops down and takes off in the opposite direction.

Me thinking it’s a good shot I calmly walk to the spot where he was shot, NO blood, just hair and ground that is shredded apart.

I seeing no blood I decided to wait an hour and began to follow his tracks. After approx 100 yards I see the first drops, and I exaggerate when I say drops, smaller than pea sized specs of blood every 20-50 yards.
The seldom specks of blood continued for 700-1000 yards then stopped. The buck ventured into a neighboring property which is THICK willow marshland.

After talking to the landowner I got permission to go after the buck and after 5 hours absolutely nothing.

I’m at a loss for words, sick to my stomach and can’t believe I let myself and this animal down by missing my opportunity. I’m going to head back out in the morning, but what are the chances of this buck making it through this? I thought I made a good shot but the evidence says otherwise.

Here is the buck

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