Thread: Vacant Home Tax
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Old 11-09-2017, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by The Cook View Post
We got the same problem here in Canmore, but if you can afford a weekend home here you could afford any kind of tax. If you own a yacht do you really care how much it costs to fuel it up.
I look at Canmore 'weekenders' as subsidizing us 'full-timers'! They pay the same school & municipal taxes as I do, yet they use little of the services provided. We couldn't afford a number of the wonderful amenities we have, if it wasn't for their tax revenue.

And they're not all filthy rich. Many struggled and sacrificed to be able to own a place in their paradise, (most being a small condo). Why penalize them for their efforts?
Some are very wealthy and they've built their McMansions. But many have taken risks, hard work and sacrifice to achieve their wealth. Why penalize them for their success? ..... because that's the Canadian way.
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