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Old 06-29-2020, 10:25 PM
comaderek comaderek is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
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I love people that always compare covid to the flu and say what is the big deal. Yes the entire world is just over-reacting. One of the countries that is thinking that way has the most cases the USA. I know they are smarter than all other countries yeah right. They are just flowing Tidiot. Ok everyone USA USA USA!!
Analogy is like people going to see a doctor who tells them what disease they have and what they need to do to heal and they just saying they know better and don’t have to do anything I am young I will survive. Heck we should just exchange all our doctors with statisticians instead. We could save a pile of money by shutting down all the hospitals and as some people have been saying can’t stop Mother Nature. Survival of the fittest period.