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Old 11-25-2014, 01:26 PM
javlin101 javlin101 is offline
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Originally Posted by BritishCanadian View Post
Came home today to get some stuff.

Found evidence (that i have kept, for legal purposes) She not only has a long going boyfriend, but also is randomly "pleasing" some other guy as well.

Felt hurt.
Felt ill.
Felt angry.
Phoned Lawyer
Advised to screw anything and everything you can out of her
Feel better.
Keep positive and look after your interests. I feel your pain as my exe's boyfriend was having dinner at home with my kids 3 weeks after I left the house. He started parking his summer car in my garage about the same time. Makes you feel like crap but you will over come and move on. talk to people close to you and don't keep it pent up.

I stopped paying the mortgage and taxes on the house and she tried to take me to court over it. During JDR a Judge told her good luck as I was paying rent with no chance of earning any return from renting. If she insisted on going down that road the judge explained to her that I could apply for lost revenue if the house were rented out. That is only one of many nightmares I have endured with my divorce.

Just try to be civil no matter what and do not give her a reason to turn ugly.
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