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Old 06-01-2011, 03:22 PM
boot boot is offline
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
all im saying is that there needs to eventually be a little give and take between the government and the native tribes. There has to be a common ground that can be reached where we are looking out for the best interests for not only people, but the environment.
The give and take is happening and both parties are trying to find some common ground. Like it or not, natives have special rights according to Canadian law. It's funny how you whine about how I come off sounding as if I'm some sort of expert and then you come up with paragraph after paragraph and finally this... "give and take"? Best interests of people and environment?

Natives in our country are a broken people. There's only 1 reason for their brokenness (please do not tell me it's genetic!!). You talk about natives as if they're priveleged... priveleged?!? WTF?!?

Braun, I've never called you a racist (because I don't think you are one), but you don't have the compassion nor the clarity of thought to truly understand the problems. Then again, maybe we all just need thicker skin... that'll solve everything.

Looks like this thread is never going to die.
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