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Old 09-14-2017, 10:38 AM
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BlackHeart BlackHeart is offline
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Originally Posted by 270person View Post
I think it's awesome. Edmonton needed a big refresh downtown and they got it.

Brings a lot of money into the city that benefits a lot of people.

Funny how the hockey fans, only see the money coming in and never the money going out or the money being pulled from every taxpayer that reduces their spending elsewhere......AS LONG AS IT goes to their temple of prayer and their idiols, and supports their entertainment...then its a simple thing to keep the blinders on and not be honest in the true costs.

Thankfully Mandel wasn't a sit on his hands do nothing like his predecessors.
No he wasn't. He was on his knees...bought and paid for.

Plus all the old baba Edmontonians and their spokesperson Paula Simons that whined like stuck pigs every time their taxes went up a nickel and kept the city in the dark ages have finally been put in their places.

Sports teams bring a lot more money into a community than art galleries, stupid chrome beachball monuments, and every other special interest groups pet projects that only a select few elitists utilize.

Now if we can fire up toll roads coming into Edmonton from St Albert, Spruce Grove/Stony Plain, Leduc, Beaumont, Sherwood Park and Ft Sask we'd be laughing. Time to pound those tax dodgers where it hurts.
You know its want people to come into Edmonton to spend money at the arena and other businesses, but at the same time you want a toll road to punish those that would come into Edmonton to spend it.

You want businesses to set up in Edmonton core, but want to punish those that might work there from the suburbs. This is why the office and business vacancy rates are increasing downtown. You want to revitalize the downtown core but also want to extort for the limited parking spaces, but some how think that that is enticing. You want to plop an arena in an already cart-trail designed downtown core road system, further congesting traffic and then wonder why no one wants to shop there.

This whole "revitalize/shop downtown core" whine fest has been going on for 30 years. Nothing has really changed to address the real issues. Slapping some bricks down on the road with some concrete planters and some how thinking that will get them flocking in.

The rebuttal....usually take the transit......yep that nightmare of engineering genius that still can't get lights working correctly and OF COURSE....slap it across some of the worst intersections in the city.....and make sure you put it in the middle of the road for added complexity and problems.

Toll roads......what I think of those that keep proposing this idea (because they can't manage their tax budgets without wasting it on hockey arenas for billionaires).....I cant say on here. Hey if the arena is SUCH A GREAT economic engine and job creator and tax benefit, you shouldn't have any problems with funding infrastructure. BUT ITS NOT!!!! And hence the desperate clawing at the pennies in the gutter without seeing the steamroller coming.
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