Thread: Yes or no
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Old 07-26-2017, 08:31 AM
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EZM EZM is offline
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Case in Point .......

Denial of Coverage from your Insurance Company

Automobile insurance covers negligence and perhaps even gross negligence or reckless conduct, depending on what your policy says. But no insurance policy covers intentional conduct.

Some automobile insurers like to argue that drinking and driving is intentional conduct that will allow the company to disclaim coverage for damages resulting from a DUI. The insurers argue that the driver intentionally put him or herself in a position to cause the accident -- i.e., the driver intentionally drank alcohol, intentionally got drunk, intentionally drove after getting drunk, and knew or should have known that drinking and driving is extremely dangerous.

If you cause an accident while you are intoxicated, your auto insurer will at least investigate the circumstances of your accident before it agrees to accept liability for damages relating to your accident.

If the insurer takes the position that you acted intentionally to cause the accident, it may refuse to defend you and will deny coverage for damages relating to your accident. This is especially true if you're trying to get coverage for injuries to other drivers and passengers.
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