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Old 02-15-2018, 11:40 AM
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BloodHound70 BloodHound70 is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
How is a AR-15 more of a threat than the mini 14, which is not restricted in Canada?
Am not going to debate caliber of weapon as I used that as just an example. I consider this as a parallel to why schools are banning candy machines. Is it because of a couple kids can't keep their hands off of them? Nope, it is because it is readily available and humans by nature are gluttons and cannot help themselves stuffing their faces with junk. So would it have worked if they just announced in the schools "stop eating so much junk!!" and just left the machines in there and thinking "well that's all we can do because they can buy junk food everywhere so we can't do anything else." No, they took out the machines so it is more inconvenient to buy such things. Make it less convenient to buy something, the tempation is not there anymore.

The same rule applies for the ridiculous U.S. You buy 30L of gas you basically can get a gun for free. You can buy a gun anywhere, anytime, without much hassle thus they just buy everything and anything because "ITS MY RIGHT DAMMIT!!!"
I don't own a handgun and is definitely not because I don't like them. As a matter of fact I love shooting them and would love to own one, but it is such a pain in the arse. You cannot take it anywhere other than a range, and so many rules it just doesn't appeal to me so I don't have one. If rules were way more lax, I probably would have 5. Do I know guys that have them and take them out golpher shooting? Heck ya I do, but would not do it myself.

The argument that rules won't stop what happens just doesn't wash with me. Making it much harder to get one certainly would bring numbers of these incidents down. If you disagree you are kidding yourself and just want to walk down the hall for the candy bar.

Bad decisions make good stories.

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