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Old 07-27-2011, 01:41 PM
boot boot is offline
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Posts: 230

Originally Posted by hal53 View Post
Weird...I thought the thread was about a Canadian citizen who has chosen to not learn the language of his country, and got caught poaching, then his university educated child (who has not helped him assimilate into society) comes onto a hunting and fishing forum and asks how he can get his dad out of trouble...or reduce the fines.......I say "suck it up princess" and take your lumps...tired of the "don't speak English routine....
It's about a Canadian citizen, who made a mistake and is looking for additional information. Instead, he received countless attacks on how he should learn English. I'm tired too... of your routine.

And yes, he came to an Alberta fishing forum.... wait a minute... wait for it... it's a fishing violation! What better place than a fishing forum to ask such a question? It's too bad that Gray's introduction into Alberta Outdoorsmen is with guys like you. I'm embarassed!