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Old 10-12-2012, 10:45 AM
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Mike_W Mike_W is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Stony Plain
Posts: 6,433

Bird hitch the bird and pull all the feathers off the breast clip one wing off and bag it.
Then remove the thighs and drums and bag those accordingly.

I dont usually hunt too far from home but once home I will breast the breasts and clean up aswell with the thighs than package in freezer bags. If I do a couple day hunt I wouldnt freeze until home just keep cool in a big cooler.

I dont usually mix drums and breasts as I prepare them much different.

My favorite is to boil drums and thighs for two hours in a veg stock and let cool in the water....once cool remove from water oil and season and place on a hot grill and favorite bbq sauce and bam you have goose thighs and drums that are tender moist and taste just like beef ribs!!!
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