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Old 06-24-2013, 07:08 AM
sheepguide sheepguide is offline
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Originally Posted by normanrd View Post
I still am having trouble understanding the desire to do away with the 999 system though. If I 999 for 30 years, and never take a tag, how is that in any way, shape or form reducing or influencing the availability of tags for anyone who wants to draw that tag during that time? Except of course on the 31st year when I decide to draw.

If everyone 999s their choices you can end up with a lot of tag holders having high priorities then all decide they want tags in can make the wait even longer. A 5yr priority draw can have guys with a 10yr priority sitting waiting. If a bunch of these guys decide to put in it can jump the year wait to say 8 years. Without the 999 these guys are no longer in the pool.
You get enough guys with banked priority it is just like the sheep draws. If you didn't start from day one on some draws you could possible never get a tag if thee 999 guys decide to all cash in.

Without the 999 people have to prioritize their draw choices.
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