Thread: Cypress Hills
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Old 01-20-2019, 08:47 AM
Jack Hardin Jack Hardin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 1,103

Don't forget to visit Fort Walsh and 2 miles south of the fort is the site of the Cypress Hills massacre of 1873. That was the incident that kick started the formation of the NWMPolice. The NWMP Act was passed just prior to the massacre but was put in the pending basket so to speak with no immediate action taken. It took word of the massacre to get it put in the urgent basket and the following year, 1874, the famous NWMP march west took place.

Ft Walsh was where the U.S. Army led by BGen Alfred Terry of Little Big Horn fame, met with Sitting Bull and his chiefs to be talked into returning to the U.S. Sitting Bull more or less gave Terry the finger so to speak. The U.S. delegation left empty handed.
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