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Old 06-05-2023, 09:19 AM
Ackleyman Ackleyman is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Strathmore
Posts: 1,399

Working on a track crew in the Brazeau area . been there all summer and fall and weather was getting real cold. There was a big beaver dam on one line and the cats had cut a real good easy travelling detour around it...that the PM said use ! No vehicles of any size on ice. One guy did not want to pull seismic cable out and drag it across so it was much easier to just drive the Noddy across, Crack and ker splash down she went listing bad with the nose pointing up. Was better part of two days to get a cat trucked in and walked down to location. It froze in tight. We got the wide pad 6 down there with about 100-150 feet of heavy winch cable that we managed to get hooked on front belly cable. First step was augering four holes around the pig nervously crawling on our bellies and dropping in 1/2 kg charges with two way bits tied to them so they wouldn't float. BOOM , was a thing of beauty, mist, big chunks of ice and small mushroom cloud. Cat sucked her out no problem. Lots of work draining her down and replacing the windows that got blown out. The driver was long gone by then on the loser cruiser [Greyhound]
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