Thread: Arrow Weight
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Old 04-09-2022, 11:30 AM
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Ranch Fairy… I don’t put much weight into his line of thinking. I have passed through full grown bull elk diagonally with a 385gr arrow. Currently my arrow is 440gr.

Your 340 SPINE arrow with 200gr up front is likely going to be too weak, you will likely need at least a 300 spine depending on other factor like draw length and draw poundage.

Ask yourself how you hunt, set your arrow up based on that.

Spot and stalk?
Tight bush?
Open country?

Based on these factors make your decision.

If you always hunt a blind or stand and never shoot over 30 yards, you can use the heaviest arrow you want, yardage mistake won’t have much effect.

I like to have a compromise between speed and weight, 440gr at 290fps meets this criteria for me.

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