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Old 09-20-2018, 01:54 PM
Pikebreath Pikebreath is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck0039 View Post
If the officer was in the wrong then good on you for challenging it. What I don't understand about this entire story is:

1) your truck was "X" km away from highway on back road or trail
2) You most likely are wearing camo clothes or an orange vest or something related to hunting
3) it's hunting season in the area you were stopped and checked

How does the officer not have the right to complete a compliance check or random stop? All indications would have been that your hunting?

I'm just a little confused as to how the officer was in the wrong with this story.

When can an CO stop a vehicle or not? Is it okay or not to stop a vehicle for a compliance check if he suspects the occupants have been hunting?

Or does the CO now need probable grounds that an offense has taken place in order to stop the vehicle?

If only the latter, compliance checks have become illegal.
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