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Old 11-22-2011, 10:14 AM
Scar270 Scar270 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 468

Kinda like large bulky Uzi's, really not that useful for day to day crime.

Why would you carry an uzi for robbing little old ladies when you could do the same thing with a glock, or a knife, or just by having a group of buddies?

The point is prohibition doesn't effect criminals. If they really wanted Uzi's they would get them, and more to the point is, it doesn't really matter what they use, a gun is a gun. If I'm being robbed I sure as heck don't care if they have an uzi or a glock or a cooey pointed at me. The government has insured that I am defenseless, so I will be doing what they say regardless of which firearm they are holding.
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