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Old 01-14-2011, 08:47 AM
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Bigtoad Bigtoad is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 390

Well, I'll start with HunterDave, just to comment on his quote:
"The third would be that it would have to be in the common interests of all users of the body of water and not just a small number of vocal people."

By looking at the results of this poll as well as the results of the government poll on quality fisheries, I think you'll find that it's actually you that are in the "small number of vocal people." I believe the majority of people do want more quality fisheries. Even the lakes designated as "quality" while still allowing large fish to be kept (like Beaver) fall short of the quality distinction IMHO.

For those people against changing regs, not only in Kananaskis but also in designating many more lakes as quality fisheries, have a look at this video of the Manitoba Parkland. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, at least watch the part at 16:40 where the biologist talks about what their plan was for creating such a great fishery.

If anyone can watch this and not be totally convinced that quality fisheries are the way to go (while still keeping put-and-take lakes for Chubbdarter and others who like their grocery bills to be subsidized not by food-stamps but by stocking rates) then you had better check yourself into emergency and get the tumor that is pushing up against your cerebellum removed before you lose bladder control as well as your common sense.

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