Thread: Gutless Method
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Old 11-16-2018, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by wildwoods View Post
I still don't see how gutless solves anything. Sure you can gingerly pull rib meat out and dance around the ponch. The 3 minutes to pull guts makes that process a whole lot easier. And I've done both methods many many times. I butcher my own and have a good understanding of the process. Just can't wrap my head around gutless

Tone can be mistaken via text. I'm not challengingyou. More trying to understand. Is it the pool of blood people are trying to avoid? Just not sure...
I'll flip the question what does gutting solve?

For years I gutted them proceeded to "drumstick" quarter and pack out.
I can't think of one advantage for quartering other than getting out the tenderloins which is pretty easy to do gutless.
Rib meat doesn't really get close to the guts as ribs are all organs pre diaphragm. To retrieve the heat I cut 3 or 4 ribs at the end to access the organs.
Other than a bunch of cutting pulling and mess I dont see why you would gut.
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