Thread: Warning!
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Old 10-21-2001, 06:44 PM
Don Meredith
Posts: n/a


Likewise, most officers I've talked with about the gun laws are not happy with them. But they are also trained to enforce the law. There is no specific policy that I'm aware of to enforce the law, so I imagine that it is left to the discretion of the individual.

Yes, the information is supposed to be "easily accessed" on a portable police computer, but there is a long way to go before that will be a reality (my information is that the federal database is a real mess, including non-compatability with most police communication systems, despite the amount of money that has been spent to fix it). When I was doing research on the licences I noticed that there was no mention on the firearm's centre web site of whether you would have to have the licence on your person when using firearms. So, I asked the question. I was told that the requirement was not in the firearm's act but in the Criminal Code. So, you have to go to the Criminal Code to see the reference (it's there). But I believe you do have a grace period within which you must produce the licence to reclaim your firearms (I could be wrong about that -- it's been a while since I looked this up). Not being a lawyer, it appears to me this area is ripe for a court challenge which I'm sure will come.

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