Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-09-2012, 08:01 PM
markg markg is offline
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Default Further rebutal to No60

Your burden of Historical proof seems a bit unrealistic regarding historical figures.
For example Tacitus "Annals of Imperial Rome" is one of the chief historical sources for the Roman world of of the New Testament period yet suprisingly it survives in only 2 manuscripts dating from the Middle ages yet we believe people mentioned in his writings were real and existed.

There are only 10 copies of Ceasars Gallic Wars eight copies of Herodotus History and seven copies of Plato all dated over a millenium from the originall and we dont question the historical accuracy of those documents or the people mentioned therin.

So in short i think we can agree Julius Ceasar existed and so did Jesus Christ.

If you want i can compare and contrast the evidence of the biblical manuscripts with that of the above mentioned historical documents Let me know if this would be of interest to you.
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