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Old 12-02-2021, 12:25 PM
sk270 sk270 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 899

Originally Posted by 58thecat View Post
wow you guys sure know how to speculate and stir the pot time and time again.
I don't think I'm speculating. I might be wrong but I think it's very different in the USA. It seems to me that a spokesperson makes a live statement at least by the next day summarizing what is known about a mass shooting, even to the point of naming the firearms involved. In Canada we wait months and sometimes forever.

If the Nova Scotia killings had occurred in Maine there might be a book out by now.

I believe the RCMP are far more secretive than US state law enforcement agencies which do the same job. Perhaps this is related to their paramilitary organization.

A similar situation exists with civilian oversight, or lack of it.

I'd appreciate comments from anyone with first hand experience, especially from the US.
