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Old 10-22-2017, 11:39 PM
bucksman bucksman is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Don't know about the jerk part but I agree with the rest. It has become pop culture and politically correct for society to openly mourn and make a spectacle of celebrity deaths. People crying over famous people they really know nothing about except the persona they put on in public and in front of the media. I guess in this age of media not acknowledging real heroes that give their lives for the public, or the great innovators who bring us miracle cures, or great inventors or benevolent world leaders the media instead focuses on entertainers to be our heroes and the gullible public trips all over themselves worshiping them and they have done nothing but speak a few scripted words for a charity, organization or some cause they probably don't know much about except they are being cast as a talking head to represent whatever the cause of the day is. Its a sad time alright goes to show how screwed up societys priorities are.
Apparently you haven’t seen people cry over Elvis or the beatles, it’s not new and it’s not social media, you should watch the tragically hip special “long time running” CBC just put out they have a good part of the surgeon who performed his brain surgery who kept the hips last tour alive, you want to give a pat on the back for the unspoken people? Typical Canadians they did it for everyone involved. You probably have no idea who that brain surgeon was and neither did I, but I do now and exactly what you’re crying about is exactly what the show did, acknowledged those people so maybe pump your own tires on another thread I guess?
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