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Old 01-14-2023, 08:21 AM
artie artie is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 2,939

Wolves have been in 402 for a long time
Twenty years ago my friend Pat and I climbed up on a high ridge in the dark in the west Racehorse area.
We were sitting in the middle of the trail glassing when Pat said he comes your elk
A dozen or so elk were running right at us being chased by a pack of wolves
i thought we were going to get trampled so told Pat we better hide behind a tree
As soon as we moved all heck broke loose
Elk scattered and wolves scattered
The wolves all went down different drainages and for about a half hour we heard them howling until the pack got back together
we tried to get close to the pack of wolves but no luck
Some lucky hunter down on the road had the bunch of elk run past his truck and he was able to get one
such is life in the woods
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