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Old 10-14-2018, 11:07 AM
ReconWilly ReconWilly is offline
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Originally Posted by KC1 View Post
Let's agree to disagree.
I might have my definitions wrong, but as far as I know there are two sexes, and assigned gender roles to each (binary).
Enlightened people realize that a lot of people don't fit into these categories but are so called 'gender*****'.
The thing is that a person's sex is straightforward, as your chromosomes determine that (binary).
Gender is whatever people want to be.
Forcing kids in school to think about how they identify (and encouraging to think they are ***** or need to have surgical correction) before their sexual development is complete is as abusive as what the RCC did with the residential schools.
My friend i think you are either are mistaken or are you are assuming that i believe in more than 2 genders.

I was merely showing reference material to back up the fact that this agenda is far older than most believe.

Did you watch the Noahide video?, it is explained in great detail who is pushing this agenda and why.