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Old 04-14-2011, 03:11 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by Donkey Oatey View Post
Once again settling on personal attacks instead of debate. That is how you have been since you joined this forum.

Maybe it is you that should go back to school. Not once have you ever brought up any evidence that bass would be A) good for Alberta B) not be moved to areas they shouldn't be or C) what impacts there would be on native fisheries.

How about we import elk from the USA and keep them in a pen and hope they don't hurt native species. OOPS that one back fired. Oh wait how about cute little bunnies in New Zealand they won't hurt anything. OOPS backfired again.

Ya introducing species to an area that they are not native to has worked out so well in the past hasn't it? I don't feel it is worth it in this case. Sorry but you won't change my mind in this.
Why should I debate you even when I answer you either can't or won't understand.just one more thing think of how many fish were all ready introduced with out that you would have a very poor fishery.
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