Thread: night fishing
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Old 02-08-2011, 09:42 AM
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nicemustang nicemustang is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Lake Lenore, Saskatchewan
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Lots of questions here to be answered....

1. Full moon. You don't need a full moon for the eyes to bite. But sometimes they can b more active during the moon phase. Barometric pressure is more important for walleyes than moon phase IMO.

2. Depth is very much lake dependant and why the fish are in the spot. Structure is key and also have to consider the seasonal movement of walleye. Too much to get into here, I suggest the in-fisherman books for a good read. Typically though a drop off, mid lake hump, weedbeds that are fish will be coming up to the 12-18 FOW range.

3. Bait. Yes, usually although depends how active they are. One might need to use a chuddydarter or northland buckshot rattle spoon to target active fish or bring them in. Then maybe a jig and minnow or similar for the less active or finicky fish.

4. Cloudy. Sure, it is night! When there is 24-36" of ice, there will be very little light penetration so night vs full moon vs cloudy isn't going to make a difference.
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