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Old 02-21-2014, 06:12 PM
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TyreeUM TyreeUM is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Posts: 1,353

My decisions on how I raise my own kids are mine and are based on the values I feel are important. Anyone else’s opinions on my moral values or on how I raise my kids are likely irrelevant. I will refuse to go back on what I feel is right just because someone else thinks I am overprotective, not "with the times" or because someone else lets their kids do it. Most importantly, I refuse to back down on what I believe is right because they could just go and do it behind my back anyway, that is absurd.
If you are really on the fence, advice from people you know and respect can be great. Random opinions from strangers on a forum, especially opinions from those on this forum who don’t even have their own kids, are likely a waste of time...