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Old 02-29-2012, 12:48 PM
Gust Gust is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,408

Originally Posted by Jack&7 View Post
Congrats, GM!

It inspires to me to persevere when I hear someone else has reached a level of success that they have been striving to achieve.

We all need and deserve a day of good news like you have had....apparently.

Good for you...can't wait for details.
Ok, I'll try to detail something as the work has snowballed even above and beyond the above and beyond my wildest dreams.

I was taken on by a company last year to determine a Stateside territory and find a client. Because it's performance based work, I get paid straight commission when things "GO", but not during discussions and meetings prior.


I found a client of a massive sort.

I had determined (on paper) a manner to help the BIG client and I presented it first to the company I was with.

The company I was with, shat on my concept and their engineers said it was undoable and I should re-focus my strategy.

Because I'm performance based, the contract is mine,,, so I presented it to the BIG client,, who in turn had their engineers review it and they said "Let's Start".

I terminated my position with the company I was with and the BIG client and I are working out the details to have me in their renewable energy think tank.


The concept is an amalgamation of several different company technologies. I had contacted each of them and brought them in line with the BIG client.


One of those companies (with a gorgeous technology co-developed by Sandia & NASA) was so impressed by my concept incorporating their technolgy and seeing it somewhere that even they had not envisioned it called to arrange a teleconference to discuss retaining me in their business development department.

Feely goody part;
Stop watching Dragons Den,,, if you have an idea that makes for sleepless nights and you can see it out there, go for it, it will be hard work but if you're passionate and know in your heart that it's doable, then it is,, it might need a little tweeking here and there and you will meet opposition but don't let up, persevere, persevere, persevere. Never underestimate yourself against someone with lotsa letters after their name, ideas are not only shed from schools and the schooled but sometimes from the garage or workshop or while flycasting.

Get yourself an NDA or even better, a non circumvention disclosure. Don't share your idea with anyone,, not your wife, husband, hunting or fishing buddy and never discuss anything without the agreements signed. If you can see it out there, others will too and there are sharks out there.

Feel free to write me and I can send you an NDA or NCD for your use and I can give you tips on how to protect yourself and proceed.

Last edited by Gust; 02-29-2012 at 01:01 PM.
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