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Old 02-27-2013, 01:31 PM
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Dudes2010 Dudes2010 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Strathcona County
Posts: 147
Default Phoenix

To this day i have refused to shop or shoot at Phoenix Range in Edmonton as "One certain know-it-all" salesman there always tried to sell you something more that waht you needed or tried to tell you that what you wanted was not the best thing for your application. Got to the point where I would walk in and if that bozo was working that day i would turn around and walk out. He was a beauty.........
Those who know phoenix in Edmonton, im sure you know who I am referring to.
Now, im not saying that all the box stores are any better for Bozo salesman, but at least when you asked for something they will show you where it is rather than argue whay its not good and "This" is much better. ha ha ha
Good topic Fellas, Cheers.
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