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Old 05-24-2013, 10:45 AM
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TheClash TheClash is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Pheasant heaven....Magrath.
Posts: 5,424

3 stories about my Rhodesian Ridgeback banjo:

Just a young dog..not really a pup at this time...digging furiously in one of our flower gardens at the back of our yard....he finally trots out with a very peculiar shaped rock in his mouth and drops it at my the time i was going to school and majoring in Geography with a minor in archaeology and recognized it immediately as a stone tool...

fast forward about 3 weeks, at the dog park down by the old man river and here comes banjo up to me with another rock in his mouth...drops it at my feet and runs off...almost identical in shape and size to the first one...

I took both in to my professor, she agreed that they were stone tools but asked if her grad students could analyze them. sure....they found evidence of carbon and food pounded into the working side of each of the tool...confirmed that they were stone tools and used at some point in history.....banjo has never brought me rocks since, or before that lol

third story....when banjo was about 5 months old he developed a weird habit when my wife would play with him. he would nuzzle his nose into one side of her chest....almost obsessively. didn't do it to anyone else. at about this time my wife developed a persistent cough and decided to go see the dr. about it. he had her get xrays done...they discovered a grapefruit sized mass in her chest...guess where?? yup. Hodgkins lymphoma. She is 5 years cancer free now and he has never nuzzled her like that again. yup he is a pretty special dog.
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