Thread: Alberta, USA???
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Old 02-03-2023, 09:36 PM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is online now
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Originally Posted by Red Bullets View Post
Instead of making Alberta part of the USA how about making USA part of Mexico.

Not that long ago people were proud to be Albertan and Canadian. Seems like some folks have lost their way only because of a few lousy politicians. Instead of becoming politically involved to strengthen our country they want to fragment the country. Sad.
118 years ago eastern Canada divided Alberta and sask to stop them from having any political clout that could threaten the pool of power in the east. This country was created by enslaving the west to the east’s whims. Confederation has never worked, nor will it ever. You can hold on to the romantic idea that Canada was great; the fact is in the west we have always been nothing more than serf to the ruling laurentian elite. Personally, I’d rather strike out on my own, than be under the thumb of the political class. All in the name of a flag no less. Just how united has Canada ever been? The provinces have had disdain for each other longer than I’ve been alive.
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