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Old 07-11-2017, 11:56 AM
PerchBuster PerchBuster is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 562

No you won't get into Bangs lake unless you have a car topper or inflatable. There are two ways to access it but neither have a proper launch, both hills are super steep and the one entrance down has about 200 yards of bulrushes to get through until you are in 3 to 4 ft of water. Hard to turn around down in there and just an overall bugger of a struggle to get in and out of there. Not recommended to try your luck there especially if those hills get any rain on them then you'd better have all your camping gear with you to hunker down for a day or two until it dries up enough to scale it back out. Stick to Moose, maybe try Kehewin or Chickenhill
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