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Old 06-17-2009, 09:34 AM
JessePat JessePat is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 184

Well the NSR is always a popular spot. Pretty much where ever there is structure in the water, i.e pillars for an over pass or bridge, or where a creek or another body of water flows into the NSR usually has fish present. I would suggest Jackfish rig with minnows. Some spots I know of are the goldbar creek, or where the Sturgeon river flows into the NSR. If you go to the fishing hole they have a free map of the river and the hot spots and what species of fish can be caught. If you are looking for trout then Hermitage Trout ponds off of victoria trail, or Cardiff trout pond near morinville are fun. I was at Cardiff last night and caught 20 little fiesty guys in a couple of hours on spinners. If you are a fly fisherman you can expect that number to be around the 50 mark in a couple of hours. Don't expect to pull anything large out of these places because they seem to be few and far between. Hope this helps
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