Thread: Dental implants
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Old 04-21-2022, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by pittman View Post
Like everything in this world, you get what you pay for.
Like every general statement, blanket analogy or clever saying ...... I'd say sometimes there are exceptions.

Maybe some FACTS would be in order here ....

Many of my friends have had dental work done in Mexico with excellent results, and like others have mentioned, if the work is extensive, you get a bonus vacation paid for and still come out ahead.

On top of that, My cousin, who has a dental practice in Calgary, also indicated that there are many, many clinics in Mexico that do excellent work which is indiscernible even compared to top clinics in the US and Canada.

In fact, this is a major source of (clinical based) income for Mexico and they have numerous high quality clinics simply focused on providing high quality care for people coming into the country. The same clinics have dentists trained and educated abroad, with the most modern equipment, of the highest quality and are up to speed in using the best and newest methods of treatment as well.

To each their own I guess - I will do my research before assuming I get what I'm paying for ..... you do your own thing and trust a clever presumptive analogy when choosing how you spend your money.
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