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Old 03-23-2018, 04:13 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,900

Originally Posted by sharpstick View Post
Insurance company has been contacted and they are dealing with it. I will be getting the roof looked at and the damage appraised.

DID I MEASURE IT??? Isn't that what the hanging sign at the entrance to every parkade is for? TO MEASURE TO SEE IF YOU ARE WITHIN THE MAX HEIGHT

ETOWN- Why does it matter if Im driving a BIG truck or a smart car? If the parkade advertises that the max height is 6'11 and your BIG truck fits under the 6'11 entrance sign, than that should mean you can fit in the parkade. If there are pipes that are hanging at 6'8, than the Max height sign should read 6"8", not 6'11"
Why do you think they made a parkade with a max height of 6'11"? To fit your smart car or to fit the hundreds of SUVS, Vans and Trucks that are parked inside every parkade Ive been in.

Never fails, there is always one or 2 guys with these ridiculous comments on nearly every thread, no wonder so many have left this forum.

Thanks to those that actually added something constructive to my question.

Parfleche- please tell me what the purpose of the max height sign is at the entrance to these parkades? 6'11" is 6'11" where I come from, not 6'8"...

Over and out...

Every man lies about the measurement.

you want exact measurements.

You decided that 2 inches for your rig was enough .
Turned out to not be.

That is on you.

Also usually the upper level of a parkade is usually the highest so any manner of vehicles as you mentioned can park there.

By the time you get down a few levels that starts to diminish.

And I'm not sure were you went, but big pipes are hard to miss,
especially the ones painted red.
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