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Old 11-25-2012, 05:19 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Back in Lethbridge
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Originally Posted by hunted View Post
Respect for landowners. You think they want to start planning for our hunting season in July, Aug? Hunting permission maybe big for us in fact it is everything . But most land owners don't want permission to be a year long issue. I secure permission early but actual dates are not set until a couple weeks before hand.
On the properties I hunt most, I have permission year round. I am in contact with those landowners periodically throughout the year. I stop in and see how things are as often as I can.

I always ask if they are still okay with me using there place, and they always are. I also always ask if they want me to call before I come out to hunt, and very rarely do I hear an answer other than "Just go ahead. Come out any time you want." I always make a point of asking these questions in late summer well before the season, so they can focus on harvest and moving cattle and other seasonally intensive activities.

In fact, I have two dogs and two cats buried in a spot overlooking a river where I do most of my bird hunting. Needless to say I am very protective of these landowners' property.
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