Thread: The PCR Dilemma
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Old 11-28-2011, 06:29 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by freeones View Post
I quoted you because you quoted me, but it doesn't go beyond that. Likewise, I respect your posts and the info you've provided.

My post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, just at what seems to be an all to common attitude around here. I get frustrated at the amount stuff I see that is exactly what I was describing - too many "experts" trying to solve problems that aren't in need of solving. Every now and then something good comes from it, but for the most part, it just creates a fire from imaginary smoke.

The maintenance thing is a great analogy. I change the oil, when it needs it, not at 100 kms in a good running engine. I weed the garden when it needs it, and I stain my fence when it's obvious the old coat is worn out, not a week after I stained it the last time just in case it might wear out five years from now. I also prefer to do it in a proper proven way. I don't like to introduce a bunch of insects into the garden because my cousin's neighbor's father in law who once googled insects said they might eat the weeds or take out half the fence boards so that hopefully the rest last longer and I won't have to stain as many. That's the difference I see as this whole thing relates to PCR. There's no problem with maintenance, I'm all for it, but not just for the sake of it, I do it when its needed. Like I said, if someone can show me the scientific data to show there's truly a dilemma in PCR, then I'll get on board with finding the solution.

Do you need someone to tell you when your oil needs changing your garden needs weeding or your fence needs staining? Why do you have to wait for scientific data to show you when a water system needs help I just hope by the time that happens there is still time. Just turning it in to another put and take lake is not the proper way to manage a fishery.
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