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Old 06-20-2017, 01:05 AM
bigskinner bigskinner is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 413

Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Classic example of being "part of the problem". Not "part of the solution".

Good troll post. Classic actually. Maybe one of the best this year.

Innocent people are not "they" and "them" in a normal sane person's brain.

You don't understand , when l say they l mean ISIS , when l say we l mean white folks , and them also means ISIS .

Now if ISIS can kill innocent white folk , by driving into a crowd , then this white guy is thinking OK , l,ll run my truck into some innocent Muslems , wearing black and the face coverings , and that's exactly what happened here.

Why are you attacking me , calling me a troll , and acusing me of not having a normal brain , l just stated my opinion on what happened , and you say l,m part of the problem , shake your head man.
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