Thread: Drying Coyotes.
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Old 12-08-2017, 09:17 AM
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Default Drying Coyotes.

Hey guys,

Not new to killing coyotes, but relatively green to when it comes to fully processing them. I am curious as to what actually happens when a coyote is taken off the board slightly early after being fur out. I find mine with a heater and a fan on them tend to be pretty dry after 2 days of drying fur out. The number I tend to hear is closer 4-5 days. I understand what can happen if you take a coyote off early and store it in a bag or stack it. But the coyote must be fully formed after a couple days, what is the harm in taking it off and hanging it? if need be it should just dry a little but more as it hangs no?

Just a few thoughts, any feedback would be great.

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