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Old 09-06-2020, 11:34 AM
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Moo Snukkle Moo Snukkle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Stony Plain
Posts: 1,144

I am sympathetic to your situation. My advice is to hit up a bow shop, find the lightest bow they have at 50 lb draw, and shoot that for a bit. Pay attention to accuracy. Also try a different trigger release. Maybe one that fills the palm of your hand more. Break everything down to basics may kick start your brain. Target panic can be tough to get a handle on but light poundage should help with your confidence.My left shoulder is shot from years of construction. I can’t consistently hold a bow up with my left arm, no matter how light the bow. Trial and error helped me conclude it wasn’t the equipment. There is no pain for me, I just can’t be consistent at it. Had a friend come over and I tried his left handed bow as it fit me perfectly. I’m left eye dominant so I was able to shoot with both eyes open for a change. Thank god I used my own arrows, as on about the tenth shot I managed my first ever Robin Hood 😎👍. Being right handed, I fought the lefty thing all the way, but actually trying things helped pave the way to correcting problems.

I suggest you try shooting different combinations to help expose the demon, then attack the problem head on.
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