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Old 02-18-2013, 02:28 PM
Pikebreath Pikebreath is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,257

I have stayed out of this one as I sure don't know what the problem is,,,, any of the obvious stuff does not seem to be the issue. A wild stab might some kind of invasive miro-organism, ie.... a parasite or disease, or maybe a plant species that inhibits reproduction food supply,,, purely conjecture but has this kind of thing ever been looked at?

Everyone is saying something needs to be done,,, the question is what? More study with a possible solution in the future,,,, or some kind of action now before it is too late ? Or perhaps a combination of both?

Regarding the discussion about the validity of anecdotal vs empirical (hard) data, we have to remember we are dealing with mother nature and she works within a broad set of variables over eons of time that likely we will never be able to completely identify or quantify. Collecting any kind of repeatable statistically valid data from a hard science point of view is next to impossible.
So the truth is anecdotal evidence from a credible source is probably going be as good as it gets,,, particularly when it comes from a dedicated and skilled angler who has likely put more footprints along Stauffer Creek than anyone else alive today (as say compared to 2nd or 3rd year biology student who may never have been to Stauffer Creek before)

And anecdotal evidence can work, too. It was an extremely scathing letter full of anecdotal evidence by Barry Mitchell that brought about sweeping positive changes to our coldwater fisheries management back in the mid 90's.

And Dave, was it not your anecdotal observations and lobbying that got the ball rolling on making the lower Ram C&R? (And thank you for that!!!)

So let's not discount anecdotal observations particularily when the source is the constant variable of the last 40 years that we have. These observations are spiced with a wisdom and perspective that comes with that experience. In my books, I'll take experience over measurable data any day!!!

Keep up the good fight Don,,, and thank you for the lifetime of work and effort you have put in for Alberta's trout and trout anglers!!!
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