Thread: Zodiac advice
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Old 04-30-2012, 06:27 PM
Jasonp Jasonp is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 257
Default Zodiac advice

Hey guys,

So i bought a BRAND NEW 2009 Zodiac Fish n Hunt. Long story short after i attempted to launch it i found out something was wrong. I took it back to where i bought it and they found a bunch of holes. (They said was a manufacturers defect)

I obviously told him i don't want that boat back and they didnt have the same boat to replace it with so they took there time to see what they could do.

They eventually said they would give me a $500 giftcard to there location if i took the old boat back but i said i wasnt planning on buying anything there other then a boat or motor which i wont need for at least a few years.

So they came back and offered me these 2 models.


Obviously the fasttroller is probably the better bet but i am wondering if anyone has advice on what i should do? Should i just tell them to take it all back? Should i take the old boat and the $500 gift card and attempt to resell the gift card?

I am at a loss .
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