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Old 11-04-2008, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Jason Balesdent View Post
Caliber only really comes into question when you start after much larger game. The best rifle / caliber you can hunt deer with is the rifle that fits you well and the caliber you can shoot accurately over and over again. For whitetail anything from the .243 and up is enough as long as you put the shot where it needs to be. Try to find someone who owns a few different calibers that will go to the range with you for a day, try out a few and see what you can shoot comfortably and go from there.
2X have to agree well said when i started i had a 303 cal first 5 years then a 7mm next 3year's ,308cal the next 5years i now shoot a 270 cal for the last 14 years will never need another gun ever.Hope you find what you are looking for . for tearing up meat with different cals that will vary from one hunter to the next.
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