Thread: Speeding Ticket
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Old 01-31-2008, 09:57 AM
nekred nekred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 3,772

You know when driving and not noticing things like signs etc. you need to learn how to drive defensively.

I was one of the worst road raging, speeding drivers out there. I now teach defensive driving and you know whose habits changed the most... Mine!....

if you are scanning properly and adjusting your speed you won't miss the signs....

If you are not.... you won't miss the kid!.........

I am very familiar with Springbank Road!.... and lots of people drive it way too fast with all the blind driveways!.....

As far as I am concerned if you are in an accident and you are at fault and you own a radar detector your insurance should be cancelled because to me it shows intent to break the law.

Driving is a serious business..... and most people miss what they should see because of in cab distractions and improper driving habits!....
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