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Old 11-11-2011, 01:58 PM
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flint guy flint guy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 518

So the total should be in this evening for the donations? Glad it was beat this year, I hope by a good percentage. I cant wait for next year, I got some pretty decent stuff here myself. The $250 donation was well spent, and I hope the few things I PIF'd are enjoyed. Its a great way to fund raise, like two birds with one stone. I almost had to use the stollery's services at one time, so I really do apreciate all the generous people out there.

And thank you to Ken, great idea you got going on here, all the work you put in on sorting millions of messages is no easy task. You can stop by for some PIF wine compliments of fallen, and a deer steak thanks to lefty's 30 30 ammo any time you like.