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Old 03-15-2012, 10:51 PM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rocky7 View Post
Freedom is the big deal!

This is just more of the same stupid, tyrannical, inane, dumb, ineffective, offensive, insulting, useless, distracting, bozo kind of placebo laws that take the blame for criminal behaviour away from the criminal and instead regulate the behaviour of the law-abiding in an attempt to prevent a criminal from committing a crime. (I assume we are not all in a knot about somebody who buys a BP vest to, say, gather honey from hives. I also assume it's about stopping crime. If not, we are all on a looney farm.)

Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they are called criminals. This does one thing, and one thing only - it requires obedience from the law-abiding. Criminal intent is thrown out the window - again. The law-abiding are regulated in a stupid attempt to make certain criminal conduct impossible, i.e., resisting arrest or robbing a bank with a vest on.

News flash: Resisting arrest and robbing banks are already illegal. If criminals don't obey a law that says: No Bank Robbing, why'n hell are they going to obey a law that says: No Bank Robbing While Wearing A BP Vest?

If it's about "bad intent", bloopbloop, (as it should be) they why doesn't the law say that? It SHOULD be about "bad intent", I agree with you that far. But that's not what is regulated, is it? We already have those laws on the books, don't we?

I'm too tired to lay it out any more intelligently than that tonight; but that's the gist of it.
There are laws already that state if you commit a crime and wear body armour, then the crime is considered more sever.

Armour vests would be terrible at protecting you from bee stings. This is kind of a silly argument you put forth. Armour vests are for protection of bullets and bomb fragments. And depending on the vest, possibly knives. Does the average joe need protection from any of these things here in Canada?

What are you thoughts on hunting draws? Or do you think you should be able to hunt anything at any time? From your line of logic, you should be angry with hunting laws. They are restrictive too.

All this law is trying to do is limit the number of proper body armour from the open market.
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