Thread: Joke time
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Old 10-04-2013, 12:23 AM
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Red Bullets Red Bullets is offline
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A man died and went to heaven. St. Peter told him he had no room for such a soul, to please take the ladder down to hell.

The man went down the ladder and at the bottom a man with a black robe and hood came to greet him.

The gloomy figure said, in a soft gentle voice," Hello, You must be Johnny. I'm Lucifer. I heard you were coming. Come on and I will show you around."

As they walked they came to a beautiful meadow with warm sunshine and birds singing. There were lushious fruit trees and a crystal clear stream with fish, and animals roaming everwhere. Everywhere they went it was beautiful. A place full of blissful things.

Then they came to a deep chasm that had fire leaping out of it. They could hear wailing and moaning and crying coming from the deep fiery crack in the earth.

Johnny asked Lucifer."What is this fiery place?"

Lucifer replied,"Oh, this....this is for the christians. It's the only way they would have it."
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